STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

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Cleanroom Ceiling Systems

Advances over the past several years can be associated with the reduction of surgical site infections. Ultra-clean air systems in the Operating Room improved during the 1960s and 1970s. Additionally, more effective surgical sterilization procedures, laminar flow, high-efficiency particulate absorbing (HEPA) filtration... Read More

Rapid-Read Biological Indicators

Rapid-read biological indicators (BIs) can improve productivity in the Sterile Processing Department (SPD) by keeping the process moving - especially when departments implement standardization and monitor every load. By enabling the release of the loads faster, a 20-minute rapid-read BI... Read More

What is Patient Pressure Management?

Proper pressure management during surgery plays an important role in the safety and comfort of the patient. About one-fourth of Healthcare-Associated Infection pressure sores originate in the Operating Room (OR). Pressure management is especially important when treating... Read More

What is a Chemical Indicator?

Chemical Indicators (CIs), as defined by AAMI and ISO, are devices used to monitor the presence or attainment of one or more of the parameters required for a satisfactory sterilization process or used in a specific test of sterilization equipment. For example, when placed inside packs, CIs are used to confirm that sterilant achieved good penetration in the items being sterilized. CIs are used as...

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